Wednesday, 8 August 2012

I Did Not Fall Down A Well

I have been neglecting this for a fair while now as I have been a super busy bee! I have been working on costume for The Lost Boy film, which successfully met its target of funding last friday! Been sourcing a lot of outfits and now is the time to buy everything in. It's great for me because shopping is something I adore, and this time its not putting me in debt for once!

I have also been doing a lot of tights this past month. The website still isn't ready but it will be running soon.

I have exciting news regarding a studio! I have miraculously been accepted by Wasps studios in Aberdeen onto their waiting list for a studio to hire. So happy! It could be a long wait till one comes up, but really happy that I am now in line to eventually get some space to make arts!

I will keep this updated when I am working on the film over the next few weeks including looks I put together for the actors/actresses and hair and make up by my beautifully talented friend and co-worker on the film Sarah Jane Pirie!


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