Thursday, 12 July 2012

Another shoot with a brilliant photographer

A local photographer contacted me last week and asked to borrow my collection for a photo shoot that will be published in a magazine in the near future. How could I decline this awesome opportunity! I got the photo's back last night and just have to share how beautiful they are!

The photographer, Louise Carnegie, is definitely one to watch as she has only been focusing on fashion photography since November last year and is already creating images that are adorning web pages such as Vogue Italia! I feel lucky enough to have worked with her to get these stunning images of model Lynsey Scott wearing my collection.

Graduation day tomorrow, I am pretty excited! Fingers crossed I don't fall off the stage in my heels!


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Busy bee

I have only been back from London a few days and already I am planning projects and trying to find a studio to set up camp in. Although the fashion course was hellish at times (pretty much all of the time), I still enjoy designing and really want to carry on with this! I never got round to uploading images of the fashion show, or my favourite image from the photoshoot with Michal Wachucik. I will include the images below.

Photo's from the fashion show at Gray's School of Art

Michal Wachucik Photography

Just now I have to organise my life a bit. With graduation THIS Friday (It's friday the 13th and I better not fall) I will soon have zero ties with uni and be completely independent. Terrifying but also so exciting!!
I have already had one collaboration with a photographer and make up artist since finishing, but cannot show the photo's yet as they are being published in a magazine!! But once its released I will share them on this blog. I also am going to London for August to work on set of a film called The Lost boy by Adam Hales, as the costume designer. But I will tell all nearer the time!! I am in the midst of setting up a website for selling garments, and also designing my next collection. Busy exciting times!


Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Damien Hirst Exhibition

New Designers is now over and everyone has gone back up to Aberdeen, however I decided to stay a few extra days to venture around London and see cool things.
Myself and my friend Natalie went to see the Damien Hirst exhibition at the Tate Modern. I really wasn't sure what to expect. I had heard little previews of what to expect but was still very curious to see it for myself. Having previously known Hirst only for his most famous works such as the diamond encrusted skull and the formaldehyde tanks with various animals inside, I really wanted to see more.
From entering the Tate I immediately had low expectations. The most unsightly art gallery entrance interior I have ever seen. I felt like I was in a warehouse. However once in the exhibition i forgot about the downstairs ugliness and was finding myself staring at a collective of brightly coloured sauce pans hung on the wall. Conceptual? But next to this was a photograph of Hirst himself with the head of a cadaver he had been studying when he used to visit anatomy departments. I enjoyed this piece as it showed even as a young budding artist he was not afraid to work with unusual subjects, in this case a human head. Another art piece I saw, but did not particularly have an opinion on was the cows head piece, A Thousand Years. It really did give me the heebie jeebies. Though I found myself unable to look away at the flies surrounding the head. Tucking into it. I could swear I smelt it through the glass case, but that was probably just my brain and even Hirst playing mind games with me. I did enjoy the exhibit, I have never been to one like it before, and I am glad I went. Even if it did make me slightly nauseous.